Lighting control, energy efficiency and out of home control! Most people know of these benefits that home automation can bring. The thing is, what if there are other benefits that you didn’t know about yet? How would you like to know them?
Smart homes are going to be the next smart phone craze, back in the 2000s. Everyone is becoming more inclined to own one as they start to see the value behind it. Yet unfortunately, there are many hidden benefits of owning a smart home that people don’t know of yet.
This post will outline some advantages so that you will be better equipped with the knowledge to turn your home into a smart home!
Habits define over 40% of your day. Don’t believe me? Practice being in the present moment allows you to REALLY see, what you do every day. You will see that most of your actions, self-talk and thoughts are the same daily. This is because we, as humans, want to make our life easier so we unconsciously automate our tasks. To make it easier just think of a car… How much time do you spend thinking about driving when you drive?
Smart homes give you insights to your habits in the most efficient way. Track your waking time, where you spend the most time, how much TV do you watch, and so on. These are just examples of the data you will have, to make better decisions in the future. The best thing? Smart home is still expanding! This means that as more homes become smart, so will most companies. This means more products will be interconnected with the home automation system. Just think of a day when you will be able to track how many times you open the fridge, as well as what food you eat the most, among other things.
Anxiety…We all suffer from it, yet few us manage to control it. Even just reading the word “anxiety” made you a little anxious did it not? It manifests in our thoughts and we become negative. Worst of all is when it manifests in the body, and you get that knot in your stomach wondering “What am I going to do!”.
It is sad that people’s biggest investment, their home, is a source of anxiety for many people. “I don’t feel comfortable here”. “I am overwhelmed with all these gadgets”. Or a heart sinking one, “Oh no, did I leave my garage door open!”. Take control your life with a smart home. A smart home gives you complete access to your home outside of home. When the anxiety pops up, just pull up your phone or tablet and manage your home…It’s that easy! Another great advantage is being able to not only control all your gadgets but ENJOY them to the fullest! Set the lights how you want to set them, play the T.V how you want to play it, and best of all, live your life like you want to live it.
Another one of the hidden benefits of owning a smart home is making money. Yes, you can SAVE money with an automated home. With an automated home you can set your lights to a specific brightness. You can set the AC for specific rooms in the house. You can also save money on water bill. But, what if you could actually MAKE money? Now of course you could become an engineer, build a product, put it in the marketplace and profit but that might take a couple of years to do so. This is more of a lifestyle change.
You lose up to 20% of your productivity EACH time you switch a task. This means looking at social media, getting up to turn the light off, opening the door, and so on. With a smart home, you can focus on the task at hand, whilst having less tasks. This means not just a boost in the quantity of time available for money making activities but also a boost in QUALITY of time. Remember, “time is money”.
Most people will agree they enjoy a party. The meaning of “party” can range from small gathering of friends at a nice restaurant to a college fraternity party, yet the essence is always “fun”. However, how many hosts can say the enjoy PREPARING for the party? Having to get all the lights ready, getting the T.V connected, the speakers, and so on. Even worse is having to do this WHILE partying! Thank goodness smart homes gives us a chance to eradicate that problem.
With smart homes, you can create scenes that best fit your needs. A scene is essentially a collection of automated tasks that get performed all together at the same time. Whatever that means, it sounds awesome, doesn’t it? With the press of a button everything switches the way you want it. Certain companies, like Neocontrol, allow you to have unlimited scenes. Think about this for a second. You can have a scene for a candle light dinner, a scene for a movie night, a scene for a house party… Even a scene for waking up & going to sleep!
We covered a lot of ground on this article. If you are still in tune, let’s go over the last but not least benefit of owning a smart home. At the beginning of the article, we talked about habits. We discussed what habits are, how they relate to our everyday life, and how smart homes can help us. We talked about how we can increase productivity, make money, and be more sociable. What do these all have in common? Personal growth
A smart home, if used correctly, can be an extension of yourself. You can program a smart home using gadgets and scenes that best fit your needs. What this allows you to do is make those hard decisions that you don’t want to do, easier and sometimes even fun. Home automation is revolutionizing the world. New companies that specifically create gadgets for the home automation industry. New integrators that will work with real estate companies to develop more automated homes. Finally, more people will take their life to the next level with automation.
“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”